Indian Cyber Squad

Jun 82 min

Case Study: Teenager Targeted via Geotagged Photo Leads to Attempted Abduction (2019)

Case Study: Teenager Targeted via Geotagged Photo Leads to Attempted Abduction (2019)

This case study highlights the dangers of impulsive geolocation tagging and the importance of online safety education.


In 2019, a teenage girl in Texas (name withheld for privacy) posted a picture on Snapchat with the location filter enabled. The photo, taken at a secluded park, displayed a recognizable landmark in the background. Unfortunately, the geotagged location pinpointed her exact whereabouts.


The perpetrator, an adult male, saw the photo and used the location information to track down the victim at the park.

Modus Operandi:

The man approached the teenager, likely under a pretense, and attempted to abduct her. Thankfully, the victim was able to escape and raise the alarm.


The police investigation used the geotagged photo as a crucial piece of evidence to identify and apprehend the suspect. The incident sparked discussions about the dangers of geolocation tagging and the need for increased awareness about online safety, particularly among teenagers.


This case demonstrates how seemingly harmless information, like a geotagged photo, can be exploited by malicious actors. The ease of access to a victim's location through social media highlights the importance of responsible online behavior.

Lessons Learned:

  • Privacy Settings:  Social media platforms offer options to control who sees your location data. Encourage teens to limit location sharing to close friends or turn it off entirely.

  • Stranger Danger – Online and Offline: The same principles of stranger danger apply online. Teens should be cautious about sharing personal information or meeting people they only know virtually.

  • Location Awareness:  Educate teenagers about the risks of geolocation tagging and encourage them to think before they share their location online.


The case of the Texas teenager serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of unchecked geolocation tagging. By promoting online safety awareness and responsible use of technology, we can help protect vulnerable users from such dangers.
