Indian Cyber Squad

Jun 53 min

Sextortion: A Growing Threat in India's Digital Landscape

Sextortion: A Growing Threat in India's Digital Landscape

Sextortion, the act of blackmailing someone using sexually suggestive photos or videos, is a dangerous online crime rapidly spreading in India.  This blog post delves into the statistics, impact, and ways to stay safe.

Understanding Sextortion:

Sextortionists typically target victims online, often through social media or dating apps. They may:

  • Pose as someone else:  Pretending to be a potential romantic interest or someone of authority.

  • Gain trust:  Engaging in friendly conversations to build a rapport with the victim.

  • Pressure for explicit content:  Coaxing the victim into sending nude photos or videos.

  • Blackmail:  Threatening to share the photos or videos with family, friends, or even online publicly unless the victim submits to their demands, which can include money, sexual favors, or further explicit content.

Statistics in India:

Unfortunately, due to the sensitive nature of the crime, many sextortion cases go unreported. However, available data paints a concerning picture:

  • High Prevalence:  News reports suggest a surge in sextortion cases across India.  Places like Pune, Thane, and Rajasthan have seen a rise in complaints.

  • Victims of All Ages:  Sextortionists target people of all ages, genders, and social backgrounds.  However, students and professionals seem to be particularly vulnerable.

  • Financial Losses:  Victims often face not only emotional trauma but also financial losses due to blackmail demands.

Reported Crimes and Catch Rates:

  • Limited Data:  There's no centralized data on reported sextortion crimes and the number of perpetrators caught.

  • Increased Awareness:  With growing public awareness, more cases are likely being reported, but official statistics may not reflect the full picture.

  • Challenges in Investigation:  Cybercrime investigations can be complex due to the anonymity perpetrators seek online.

Impact of Sextortion:

Sextortion has a devastating impact on victims, leading to:

  • Emotional Trauma:  Shame, fear, anxiety, and depression are common consequences.

  • Damage to Reputation:  The threat of public exposure of private content can be crippling.

  • Financial Strain:  Blackmail demands can lead to financial hardship.

  • Social Isolation:  Victims may withdraw from their social circles due to fear and shame.

  • Suicide:  In some tragic cases, sextortion has led to suicidal ideation or attempts.

Staying Safe Online:

Here are some crucial steps to protect yourself from sextortion:

  • Be Cautious Online:  Don't readily share personal information or explicit content with strangers online.

  • Beware of Manipulation:  Be wary of online friendships that move quickly towards sexting.

  • Protect Your Privacy:  Use strong passwords, enable privacy settings on social media, and be mindful of what you share online.

  • Report Suspicious Activity:  If someone tries to blackmail you, report them to the platform and the police immediately.

  • Talk to Someone:  Don't suffer in silence. Confide in a trusted friend, family member, or law enforcement agency.

The Evolution of Sextortion in India: A Growing Menace

its tactics and the technologies used have evolved significantly, making it a growing threat. Let's delve into how sextortion has changed over time in India:

Early Days: Catfishing and Deception

  • Limited Reach:  Early sextortion cases involved individuals targeting victims through basic online interactions, often in chat rooms or email exchanges.

  • Catfishing Tactics:  Perpetrators often impersonated someone else, like a model or a military officer, to gain trust.

  • Low-Tech Threats:  Blackmail revolved around threats to share explicit content with friends and family, relying on the victim's fear of social stigma.

The Rise of Social Media and Mobile Apps

  • Wider Network:  Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram provided a wider pool of potential victims for perpetrators.

  • Fake Profiles:  Creating fake profiles with stolen photos became easier, allowing perpetrators to pose as potential romantic interests.

  • Mobile Penetration:  The rise of smartphones and messaging apps like WhatsApp made sextortion more accessible and anonymous for criminals.

The Deepfake Era and Advanced Tactics

  • Deepfakes:  The emergence of deepfake technology allows perpetrators to manipulate videos to create realistic composites, adding another layer of fear and humiliation for victims.

  • Social Engineering:  Criminals are employing more sophisticated social engineering tactics, preying on vulnerabilities and manipulating victims into sending explicit content.

  • Group Sextortion:  A disturbing trend involves targeting individuals through online groups or forums, threatening to expose them to the entire group if they don't comply.

Technology Used by Criminals:

  • Social Media Platforms:  These platforms provide a breeding ground for creating fake profiles, initiating contact, and sharing compromising content.

  • Messaging Apps:  The ease of communication and disappearing messages on some apps make them attractive tools for sextortionists.

  • Cloud Storage:  Perpetrators use cloud storage to store and share explicit content, making it harder for authorities to track.

  • Cryptocurrency:  Some criminals demand ransom payments in cryptocurrency, making it difficult to trace the transaction.

Impact of Changing Tactics:

These evolving tactics have a significant impact:

  • Increased Victim Pool:  The anonymity and ease of online interaction make more people vulnerable to sextortion attempts.

  • Heightened Psychological Distress:  Deepfakes and group sextortion threats create a deeper sense of fear and shame for victims.

  • Financial Loss:  The rise of blackmail demands using cryptocurrency makes it harder for victims to recover financially.


Sextortion is a serious threat, but awareness and education can empower us to stay safe online. Remember, you are not alone.  If you or someone you know is facing sextortion, report the crime and seek help.  There are resources available to support you.

Additional Resources:
