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Case Study: Catfishing and Exploitation on Social Media

Case Study: Catfishing and Exploitation on Social Media

Case Study: Catfishing and Exploitation on Social Media


This case study explores the case of a young adult targeted by a catfish online, highlighting the emotional manipulation and financial exploitation online predators can inflict.


  • Platform: Popular social media platform.

  • Predator: A 25-year-old female posing as a successful 18-year-old entrepreneur.

  • Victim: A 22-year-old college student struggling financially.


  • Fabricated Persona: The predator created a fake profile with stolen photos and a fabricated life story portraying wealth and success.

  • Friendship Building: She initiated contact with the victim, expressing common interests and offering support with their financial struggles.

  • Emotional Manipulation:  The predator built trust by offering advice and posing as a confidante, preying on the victim's vulnerabilities.

  • Financial Exploitation:  Gradually, the predator started requesting small loans for emergencies, promising generous returns on investments in fake business ventures.

  • Maintaining the Illusion:  The predator used excuses and fabricated evidence to maintain the illusion of success and legitimacy, manipulating the victim into sending more money.


  • The victim, facing mounting financial pressure, confided in a friend who suspected online fraud.

  • The friend helped the victim research the "entrepreneur's" online presence, revealing inconsistencies and stolen photos.

  • The victim stopped sending money and reported the fake profile to the social media platform.


This case study showcases how online predators can exploit vulnerabilities beyond sexual desires. It emphasizes that:

  • Emotional Connection:  Predators may target emotional needs like loneliness, financial stress, or a desire for connection.

  • Financial Exploitation:  Online predators can manipulate victims into sending money or personal financial information.

  • Catfishing:  Creating fake online personas to manipulate and exploit trust is a common tactic.

  • Importance of Verification:  Being cautious about online personas and verifying information is vital.

Additional Considerations:

  • Social media platforms have a role to play in identifying and removing fake profiles used for predatory purposes.

  • Educational resources should address financial safety online and the tactics used by online predators.

  • Open communication can empower victims to seek help and avoid further manipulation.


This case study highlights the diverse tactics online predators can employ. By staying informed and being cautious about online interactions, we can create a safer digital space for everyone.

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